9/5 2010 kl. 05.50
Rune har ett helt hus som han kan köra runt med. Jag kollar efter reg. skyltar men det finns så klart inga. Det är ett trähus med ett stort rum. Rune skrattar. Det är några som kör race med en slags traktorer. Rundt på en oval bana. Jag kastar snöboll på några ungdomar som är nere vid stranden. Jag kastar överraskande långt. Vi var och hämtade någon med huset. Det var inte långt att köra."
Det var från drömdagboken. Senare på dagen efter drömmen hände följande: Jag var på eftermiddagen - ute på ateljéen min utanför stan. Jag åkte T-bana hem. Mitt emot mig i t-banevagnen satt två små pratglada pojkar, ca 4 - 5 år gamla. Plötsligt ropar den ena "Där är en traktorbana!" Den andra svarar "Nej, racerbana!" Varpå den första ropar ännu högre "Nej! Det är traktorbanan!" Själv kunde jag varken se racer- eller traktorbana utanför fönstret där de tittade och pekade. Ganska underligt med tanke på att jag på natten innan hade drömt om några som körde race med traktorer på en oval bana. Hur stor är chansen för det sammanträffandet?
The following happened a week ago. This is what I wrote in the dream diary:
"Tractor? Rune has a full house that he can drive around in. I look for registration plates but there are of course none. It´s a wooden house with one large room. Rune laughs. There are some people racing with a kind of tractors. Round about an oval track. I throw snowballs at some young people who are down by the beach. I throw surprisingly well. We had to pick someone up with the house. It was not far to drive."
That was all from the dream diary. Later in the day after the dream the following happened: I was - later in the afternoon - in my studio outside of town. I rode the subway home. Opposite of me in the subway car two little boys sat talking, they were around 4-5 years of age. Suddenly one of them cried "There is a tractor-track!" The second responds "No, racetrack!" Whereupon the first cry even louder, "No, it is a tractor-track!" I could not see racing- nor tractor-track outside the window where they watched and pointed. Pretty strange considering that I had dreamed of some people who drove a tractor race on an oval track. What are the chances of a coincidence like that?
That was all from the dream diary. Later in the day after the dream the following happened: I was - later in the afternoon - in my studio outside of town. I rode the subway home. Opposite of me in the subway car two little boys sat talking, they were around 4-5 years of age. Suddenly one of them cried "There is a tractor-track!" The second responds "No, racetrack!" Whereupon the first cry even louder, "No, it is a tractor-track!" I could not see racing- nor tractor-track outside the window where they watched and pointed. Pretty strange considering that I had dreamed of some people who drove a tractor race on an oval track. What are the chances of a coincidence like that?
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